About LBN

Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle,
and the life of the candle will not be shortened.
Happiness never decreases by being shared.
– Gautam Buddha

Imagination sometimes works its wonders that leads to real accomplishments. It is quite true that anything and everything starts from a simple thought, an imagination. Imagine, and engage in it as if it were ultimate goal of your life. Dream and pursue the dream with perseverance. Imagination and dreams that we hold close to the heart do get materialized in a splendid way if we have the patience to follow them with determination and commitment.

One such dream, or the work of my imagination, came into realization on the very first day of January 2011. Years of hard work and determination actually turned into one solid tourism entity – Lord Buddha’s Nepal Travels and Treks Pvt. Ltd. (LBN).

Well, that said, easy as it may seem, creating a platform was definitely not much of a challenge, but for making that platform sustain in the cut-throat tourism market has certainly not been an easy ride. With that in mind, our team scrambled to make a difference as a travel trade company while also living up to its essence “we don’t do different things; we do the same exact things….but differently” so we can stand out from the crowd and stand our ground even firmer.

Last but not the least, I, Shailesh Thapa, as the CEO of LBN, an ardent tourism professional with a true passion for travel, and once an English Tour Guide myself some 20 plus years ago, hereby commit to all the prospective and existing clients the very best of all tourism-related services with the utmost statisfaction that can bring smiles on your faces for the rest of your lives….guaranteed.

Happy holidays !!!!