- When was the last time you held her hand and said she really meant something to you?
- What did you give her as a gift in your last wedding anniversary?
- Or years just zoomed by and you were oblivion to what could otherwise have been a moment to reckon for a lifetime?
- Do you think you missed to do something that really matters the whole life?
- Did you always want to do something surreal, something special to amaze her?
- Have you always wanted to do something so special so her world sweeps away right under her feet?
Don’t you worry-there is still time to catch up as long as you want to catch up. And you might want to catch up with it before it’s too late this time around. So now is the time you rolled up your sleeves and started to spice up your life little bit. Unravel the romantic “you” that has been dormant in your own confinement of day-to-day living. Do not let it seem like you are killing yourselves in the course of living your life. Living a life is not certainly the matter of “how long”, but “how well”. It’s indeed not the length of life that matters; what matters is how you live it. So grab that American Tourister and pack your stuff, dust off the passports and head on out to “observe” the world for yourselves. Amaze people or be amazed while going about the places. The whole world is waiting for you. How do you do that? Just one determination is all that it takes. Rest, leave it to us. Sit back and watch your itinerary build to live up your dreams and desires. Sometimes, all it takes is just one phone call or a few lines that can turn your world around. So grab that phone and call us, NOW. Or just fill in your requirements of your holiday in our form. We will strive to make your holiday perfect and unforgettable one.
There are several fascinating destinations in Nepal itself. Whether it be the Lake City of Pokhara for a weekend escape or the ultimate jungle safari retreat to Sauraha, they all beckon you with their utmost hospitality. Go explore the pristine Rara Lake, or just trek to gorgeous Poon Hill, you will definitely feel these trips well worth your efforts. You will not regret one tiny bit, rest assured.
Neighboring India has a lot to offer as well. How about Taj Mahal this time for a change? Have you imagined just the two of you posing to the greatest symbol of love in the history? Ah ! How you wish you could freeze the time right there and then and never leave the place. But you will…..with greatest of the memories of your life for sure.
Imagine yourself taking that beach walk with your beloved somewhere down in Goa or Kerala, southern parts of India. If you are a beach person, India’s beaches, especially that of Goa and Kerala will be your best bet. You can sunbathe after a swim while she gets her pedicure done in one of those huts along the golden sands of Goa. Or take that once-in-a-while salty water dip and come back to the shore for a beer or two. Sit back, relax and chill out. Make it a way of life. And do it with a style of your own. But do it. That’s what matters, that’s what counts.
Imagination works. Imagine a place for us. We will take you there. Not only take you there, but we will carefully hand-place you there taking care of all your needs. So start imagining now. It works.